Sunday, 30 June 2013

life goes on in edinburgh

I don't have anything particular to write about this time, but lots of little exciting things have been happening so I feel like it's time for a bit of an update.

Walking through Holy Corner at 10.30pm

I have been in my job for 7 weeks now, and I am still really enjoying it. While my job itself can be less than thrilling sometimes (see: Filing) I want to try and get as much out of it as I can. I really enjoy working in the social services, and this might be the kind of thing that leads me into a career I would enjoy. And for those of you who know me well, having a proper career doesn't cross my mind very often!

My desk one work morning

In other exciting news...we are moving! I will be sad to leave my beloved Morningside, but I am looking forward to branching out to another area of Edinburgh. And I love organising a new room!

Sophie and I before a night out in Edinburgh

In even MORE exciting family are coming to visit!!! Although not until the end of the year. But I am so excited I am already making plans. My Mum and my brother are doing some travelling in England first and then will arrive in Edinburgh about the same time as my Dad, a bit before Christmas. Courtney and Dad will then jet off somewhere while Mum and I have our own Christmas trip to Vienna and to Bratislava in Slovakia. After that we meet back here for my first Christmas as a proper host (Step 1: Ban Dad from the kitchen) before they explore some of Scotland. Dad and Courtney will leave in mid January and Mum will stay until early February, which gives us time to fulfill her lifelong dream of a trip to Ireland!

Coffee and cake at The Treehouse, just one of the places I will take Mum

I can't wait to show my parents all around the places that I love in Edinburgh. I'm already researching places for Mum and I to have High Tea, since we started having High Tea around the world a few years ago.

Walking to work one morning, unfortunately the weather wont be like this for my family!

Next weekend I head off to the USA for my sister's wedding!!! Needless to say I think it is going to be amazing. It will be so nice to see everyone again and I will be a bridesmaid for the first time! I'm also looking forward to a bit of real summer. However, I'm not complaining, because I recognise that everywhere has different weather and is beautiful in it's own way, but several days of sun and temperatures consistently in the late 20s, if not early 30s, will be excellent therapy for me.

I will miss this view from our kitchen window!

Also, yesterday I went up town and got stuck in a parade (somehow this seems to happen to me a  lot...) for some military thing. It was really awesome! They were playing the drums and flutes.

Parade down the Royal Mile
Here is a video!

And that's all the random updates for now!


  1. Can't believe Sarah's Wedding has come around so quickly!! Have lots of fun and enjoy the weather, just wish we were going too, it will be fantastic!

    Very excited about our trip, I'm sure it is going to come around very quickly. Though it won't be summer, I am looking forward to snow and open fires and warm places inside and European Christmas Markets, which you can't have in Summer :)

  2. your desk is nice and tidy :)

    looking forward to and can't wait to try all these cafe's with you :)
